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 To financially help the work of Biblical Faith.

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Credit card donations are also accepted by calling our office at: 1-800-639-0169
Checks and Money Orders can also be made out to Biblical Faith and mailed to:
Biblical Faith
PO Box 2
Abilene, TX 79604.

Be sure to write Biblical Faith in the memo portion of the check.


Click Here to Donate to Camps For Kids in Israel

For many years Biblical Faith has been the main sponsor for Camps For Kids in Israel. These camps have and continue to combine fun and Torah-learning for kids in the territories of Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and even Gaza before the tragic expulsion of August 2005) and Tiberias and it’s surrounding villages. The importance of these camps cannot be over-emphasized! They provide a much needed break for both the kids and parents who live in a constant state of tension both from the threat of war from the surrounding Arab states, and from the possibility that the State of Israel might suddenly evict them from their homes and give away the precious Land in the hopes of a false peace. Many of our kids, especially from the Tiberias area, are extremely impoverished and our camps may be their only positive exposure to Torah-learning that they ever experience. I have often thought that if you could just see their faces for a moment, that Hashem would open your heart in a marvelous way to help us provide scholarships for these kids, especially those whose parents do not have the means to send them.

To donate click button above
Credit card donations are also accepted by calling our office at: 1-800-639-0169
Checks and Money Orders can also be made out to Biblical Faith and mailed to:
Biblical Faith
PO Box 2
Abilene, TX 79604.

Be sure to write Camps For Kids in the memo portion of the check.

camps for kids.jpg

Click Here to Donate to Charity Project in Tiberias

First, we should introduce our good friend and the tallest Chasid that I know, Zeev Berg. Zeev has tirelessly worked with the children and youth of the Galilee, Judea and Samaria for many years by putting on Summer and Chanukah Youth Camps, and we have tried to assist in his efforts by raising funds to sponsor these Youth and Children Camps through the years, and we continue to do so. Zeev recently made us aware of a new work in Tiberias, Israel that he is involved in (in addition to all his efforts with the Camps). 
A few of the things this service is doing: This work is under the auspices of Chabad House of Tiberias and is supplying over 200 hot meals a day to very needy people, but they need the resources to greatly increase these efforts. Plus, they are operating (with meals) 3 pre-kindergartens and kindergartens for under-privileged children and of course, more needs to be added. In addition they are operating a clothing bank for those many people who are at or below the poverty level.
Not many people are aware that Tiberias on the beautiful Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) is the poorest area in the entire Galilee area of Israel. Nor are they aware that for the first time since the 1950's many, many Israelis are at or below the poverty level. Simply put - they need our help! - how can we not give it to them?

To donate click button above
Credit card donations are also accepted by calling our office at: 1-800-639-0169
Checks and Money Orders can also be made out to Biblical Faith and mailed to:
Biblical Faith
PO Box 2
Abilene, TX 79604.

Be sure to write Charity in Tiberias in the memo portion of the check.
