How Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist

How Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist


How Democracy Will Elect the Antichrist
The Ultimate Denial of Freedom, Liberty and Justice According to the Bible
By Arno Froese

Is it possible that our beloved, much praised and often fought for Democracy will lead to the ultimate denial of Freedom, Liberty and Justice?
Concider These Facts:
-Democracy is now worldwide, the undisputed leader
-A global economy already exists
-Instant communication is available for the entire planet
-A one-world religion is only one step away

”The remarkable insight the author presents in this book is most definitely a frightening eye opener.”
-Dr. Dave Breese
“A distinctly different analysis on endtime events makes this a must read book.”
-Dr. John Cionci, M.D.
“Arno’s Biblical documentation reveals heretofore many overlooked truths that contribute tremendously in understanding fulfillment of Bible prophecy in our days.” -Dr. Dave Webber
””Rarely have I read anything which so convincingly pictures the future of our nation and the democratic society worldwide.”
-Dr. Moody Adams

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